Tuesday, March 11, 2008

354,353,352,351 Days Left Until A-ron Gets Home and Two Weeks

Well I am back after about three days, I have been slacking on my countdown. LOL! Well today marks two weeks and it feels good to have the first two weeks done. It did not go fast but it still is nice to know that I got through it. It was a great weekend full of fun activities. Saturday Mindi had another baby shower at my Grandma Lindsey's house in centerville and it was so fun and she got lots of great things. The silly person that I am I left my coat in Centerville with my keys inside the pocket, this is the second time I have left my coat somewhere were the drive was longer than 15 minutes away. I also had my spare in my coat pocket as well. When am I going to learn my lesson?The nice Aunt that I have she met me half way and I was able to get my keys and coat. Thanks Mom for driving me back and thanks to my Aunt for meeting me half way. That is just a funny story for everyone. The really funny part about this story is earlier that morning my mom drove to Alpine for a wedding ceremony at the Timpanoges Temple then she had to drive home and take us to Centerville for the shower then we drove back to Alpine for the reception after the shower and then I forgot my keys so she had to drive me back up North to pick them up. So my Mom really was in the car for most of the day! Kinda funny! After the shower, reception and picking up my keys I was able to hang out with one of nicest people I know. She is a lady in my ward and I serve with her in the Primary Presidency we hung out because her husband was out of town and mine is too. LOL! (Like everyone did not already know that) So I picked up some Cafe Rio for dinner and we played with her kids, watched a movie and talked. I am so glad that I have great friends to occupy my time while A-ron is gone. Thanks Becca! Well that was my weekend, and last night Mindi had her 3rd baby shower and it was great times. She got the cutest bathing suit for little Whitney. Sorry for the lack of pictures! Thanks to all of those who leave comments, I live for comments they are so fun!


A_ronisgonegone2 said...

Really, you do need to stop forgetting your keys everywhere. I can't believe it. I really do think it's funny though. So thank you for that laugh. I love you. you're the best.

Cristine said...

If you talked to KR he would tell you I am just as bad with my keys! I am even worse with my wallet. I can't tell you how many times I have had to call the bank to report all of my stuff is missing only to find the dumb thing and have to call them back and see if they can stop cancelling my debit card. They need to make cars that don't need keys (they probably already do and I just can't afford one:)

Morgan & Heidi Taylor said...

Hey Megan! I finally saw the comment you left a while ago on my blog1 I am so spacey! Anyways.. We moved to St. George at the end of January! I love it there! The weather is so nice! We will be building or buying a home there when we get back from Vegas this fall. (That's the plan so far but we change our minds a lot!) We wanted to live there for a few months to make sure that it was where we wanted to have a house before we jumped into it. Hope you're doing good. I am coming to town soon so we need to hang out before we move to Vegas for the summer!