Three of my favorite people EVER!
Me, Ali, Jess
My Celebrity Crush John Mayer
No little Whit did not come to the concert with us, she wishes she could have.
We are allowed one Celebrity Crush, right?
Well I am a little behind on bloggin but I will get caught up. On July 21st Me, Ali, Mindi and Jessie went to the John Mayer concert at Usana. Aron bought me four tickets for my birthday and he told me to take three people and have a fun girls night out, and believe me we had a blast. The concert was great, John Mayer was fabulous and the crowd was a hoot. I am such a people watcher, I love watching those around me, I was so entertained by the music and those around me. Thanks Aron for a great birthday present, we had such a blast. I love just laughing and goofing off with those I love.
Life after John Mayer has been great. I have gone to Girls Camp,I have had school orientation, I have been training for my half marathon which is on Saturday (YIKES), I have painted our whole upstairs of course with lots and lots of help from my family, and I have been completley wrapped up in "Breaking Dawn." So nothing too exciting, I must say though that Girls Camp was exciting and it was a really good experience for me, I had a blast. I did realize that I really do not like to go camping for longer than a night.
I am just grateful that the summer is going fast because at the end of September I get to spend 2 whole weeks with my husband. I really just can't wait, I thought that this whole deployment thing would get easier but to be honest it has not been easy and it is not getting easier. I am grateful for the other Army Wives in Aron's company because they have been a huge support and it has been fun getting to know their familes and spending time with them. So thank you! Life is busy and is going well.
Thanks again Aron for the John Mayer tickets we had FUN! Thank you to Jess, Mindi and Ali for going with me you gals are just simply amazing.
You went to that concert? Let me guess, Brett Dennon was your favorite part about that concert? i really hope you liked him, he's amazing, i think. anyway miss you! lets all get together again when everyone gets back in the state!!!
wow what a fun series of events! I love John Mayer. You and your sisters (I assume) are super cute. Buying a house, going back to school and running a half marathon, You Go Girl!
WHAT!??? John Mayer, I'm so jealous. Did your boy friend buy those for you? Well he must really like you if he did all of that. Oh I'll have to think of my celebrity crush and get back to you but I think that you chose a pretty good one for yours. He is pretty cute. JK. Oh man I love you and can't wait to see you. I miss you and will talk to you in just a little bit.
What a fun girls night! and a great husband for doing that! Sounds like you have been pretty busy! You will have to tell me how the half marathon is on saturday, which one is it? I am going to try to do the half in april in slc. We should do it together! If I can get myself into shape after this baby!
Glad you had fun!!! Looks fun!! You are so cute!
John Mayer is MY celebriy crush! We both can't have the same! That was a very fun concert. I especially liked watching all the people too, the parker look a like and all the random people making out. Pretty weird, but very fun!n Thanks Arod for giving Meg a great present!
I am so jealous you went to that concert it looks so fun! I hope you are having a good summer! I really think we me you and chels needs to get together before her wedding. I miss seeing you!
OK so why didnt anyone mention to me you all went to John Mayer??? CHAD and I went for our Anniversary - it was 2 years to the day! Horray I am glad you love him just as much as we do! But from the looks of it you got a better seat Chad and I snuggled on the grass and got eaten by the bugs! Maybe next time we should all go with our boys!
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