Wednesday, June 25, 2008

California Here I Come...

So I am officially so bored with blogging, I am so bad at. I have lost all enthusiasm. But I am going to stay positive and continue on. I have almost had my blog for a year, WOW! So much has happened in that short amount of time.
So on Saturday morning I fly to Newport Beach, California for a week of relaxation and fun. I honestly can't wait. I get the chills just thinking about it! LOL! While we are there we are going to go and see Wicked and I am freaking out I am so excited. I am also really excited to go running, I have been training for a 1/2 marathon and I have really become fond of running so I think running on the beach will be a nice treat. Wow how many times can I say running in one sentence, I know that is bad grammer but it is my blog, grammer rules do not apply!
I will have lots of fun pictures to post when I get home so stay tuned.
I would officially like to announce that I have been accepted to the U of U and I am going back to school in August. I really am so so so so excited to go back to school. I wonder if my mom will buy me new school clothes for my first day, JK! I have my associates degree but I know the importance of getting an education so I have decided to go and get my bachelors degree in Elementary Education. I have always wanted to be a school teacher so I have decided to follow my dreams.
Life has been pretty hectic, but life is good. Aron is doing well, he has a full on beard and it kind of creeps me out. LOL! I am begging him to shave it before he comes home! I am such a mean wife.
Aron has a big birthday coming up next Sunday so all of you blog readers go onto his blog on July 6th and wish him a Happy Birthday. He is under my blogging buddies under SSG. Happy Birthday Aron, you are seriously the best thing EVER!
Thank you to all of those who still read my blog even though I never post anything new. Well I am off to the beach to spend time with all my awesome cousins, aunts, uncles, sisters, brother, mom, dad and grandma. Aron wish you could come! I miss you!


Angi Gerrie said...

You would be such an awesome teacher! That is great that you are going back to school. I start the nursing program in January... SCARY!

Marianne and Kory said...

Hey Megan! I wish Newport beach was closer to San Jose, it would have been fun to meet up! That is so awesome that you are training for a half marathon. Which one? "the other half" in moab? If you have any running questions, let me know. (Not that I have any wonderful advice, but did manage to run 13 miles)I'm excited that you are going back to school to be a teacher. Maybe one day we can teach at the same school! Oh, and I really check you blog all the time so keep up the posting! Can't wait to see your pictures from cali

Meghann said...

Have fun in Cali! You deserve an awesome vacation. That's so cool about the marathon good luck I know you'll do great because you are a such a good runner, you have a lot on endurance!

Becca S. said...

You will be sorely missed this Sunday, the most on Tuesday, and on Saturday as well as all the days in between. But we're excited that you get to go on vacation! Have a great time! (And we'll see you tonight!)

erika said...

I am so proud of you for going back to school! You will make a wonderful Elementary School teacher. I am so impressed with your running too. Geez Meg--you're cool.

Alisha said...

I'm jealous about your trip, sounds like fun. Congrats on going back to school, especially the UofU! That's great!

Morgan & Heidi Taylor said...

YAY!! That is awesome that you're going back to school! I'm proud of you for going back! If your mom buys you new clothes can I borrow them?? Just kidding! (we used to borrow clothes all the time!) Have fun in Cali!! You'll have so much fun! I want to go to Wicked SO SO BAD!! will you tape the whole thing and send it to me? Not really, I guess that would plagerism or something! And... WooHoo for the half marathon! I wish I was that in shape! You'll do great though! Well I love ya Megan! I check your blog too, I haven't been blogging either so we're in the same boat! See ya!

The Sorensen Family said...

That is awesome you are going back to school. I am jealous. I wish I was going to california. How fun! I want to become a runner so when I am not pregnant we should go together. Does Aaron get home around Christmas next time?

Crawling said...

Hey cute girl! I'm glad I get to see what you are up to know! Congrats on getting into the U! I loved it up there. In fact I loved it so much I now work there! :)

McCall said...

Hey...Jared's birthday is July 7th!!! That's funny! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Wicked!!! Be prepared to be amazed! I'm so jealous!

Cristine said...

I tried to email the title of the book to you, but the email was returned to me. Have you changed your address? The book is called "Modoc". Amy read it and liked it alot. It is on my to-read list. Also, I hope you were able enjoy yourself in Cali:) I saw your dad mowing the lawn earlier this week and I didn't even recognize him be cause of his super tan. I hope you were able to be kissed by the sun as well!