So Aron is in Afghanistan as we speak and he is sleeping soundly I hope! He is about 10.5 hours ahead of us. It is super weird to think that I am sleeping when he is awake and I am working while he is sleeping. I am doing just dandy. I have been just staying busy! I am still trying to run a lot still, but I need to go early in the mornings because nights always get so busy, but honestly who wants to wake up at 5:30 AM not me! It is my birthday a week from Friday so that is something exciting to look forward to. Aron already gave me my birthday present he bought me John Mayer concert tickets and I get to take Ali, Jessie and Mindi. I am excited. I have such a great hubby!
I hope all you Mother's had a great Mother's Day! I had a fabulous day, I am not a mother yet but Aron did send me a Mother's Day gift he sent me P.S. I love you the movie and when I opened it I could not help but cry. I really like that movie besides the fact that you cry for two hours straight but oh well it is cute. I enjoyed hanging out with my family on Mother's Day! We had a super yummy dinner, we seriously had so much food! Then I went to my in-laws for some more fun and then to my Grandma's house! It was a great day and I really tried to make Mother's Day matter for my mom because she is the neatest lady in the whole wide world. I love her! I also like what Thomas S. Monson once said in a talk, "God could not be everywhere, so he created Mothers." How perfect is that statement?
Aron sent me some self portraits of himself and I wanted to post them so everyone can see that Aron can really grow a beard! LOL! NOT! Sorry babe! Well I sure do miss my hubby but like everyone says it will go fast, we will see! Sorry my thoughts are all over the place I have a really hard time writing, but maybe someday I will be better. I hope you all have a wonderful day!