Chelsea's beautiful wedding!
Chelsea's shower
"Aunt Megan, why are you smashing my face? It dosen't feel very nice!"
Wow has it really been a month since I last posted? Well apparently it has. Life has been very fun-filled and busy. School is cool, I actually really enjoy it and for a terrific TRAXS moment I sat next to a drag queen on Tuesday night, yes that is right don't be jealous. He or should I say she, told me all about what he/she does. He/she had painted toe nails, fake nails and make up on and he performs downtown at a gay club, I am going to watch him/her on Saturday night if anyone is interested just let me know we can drive down together!LOL! I actually really did get a personal invitation to go and watch him! Okay that is a lie as well. Lets just say it was another terrific Tuesday TRAXS experience.
This Sunday Aron, my super awesome husband, is coming home on his R & R (Rest and Relaxation) for two weeks. I can barely stand the anticipation any longer. I can't sleep, eat or concentrate my stomach is in knots just thinking about seeing him after five long months. Oh man thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. We are going to Park City for a couple of nights and then we are coming home and just relaxing and hanging out with family and friends. WOW, can't wait!!!I have done alot this month and some of the highlights would be: Chelsea & Zak's wedding, had a bridal shower for Chelsea, had our Canyon Rim primary program, and did lots and lots of homework. I am just glad I had things this month to keep my mind off of Aron coming home, because to be honest that is all I think about. Well I am sure some day after Aron leaves I will post pictures of what we did. I hope you all have a great weekend and pray that I will get through these next couple of days, I am going CRAZY with excitement!